Funny Vegetable Comics, known to mankind of sound nourishment – leafy foods have been rejuvenated and changed into characters with day by day battles and schedules. As Managing similar circumstances people are generally confronted with, Fruitgonebad, a NY sketch artist, is the cerebrum behind these amusing representations.

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So, these eatable’s characters and the existence battle they end up in to some degree bode well as they’re relatable. Utilizing a solitary board style, Artist Fruitgonebad utilizes humor and mockery to try different things with regular day to day existence circumstances. But products of the soil are the subjects.

Now and then bread as well. Food with a cylinder. Look at what I produce. The craftsman’s Instagram portrayal peruses. As a result of which Fruitgonebad has irrefutably accumulated over 78K followers on Instagram, a major gratitude to his out-of-box thoughts. While these clever outlines can’t ensure veggies and natural products from not being eaten, they’re certain best for a roar with laughter. Meanwhile just check photos.


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Here we go with 10 Funny Vegetable Comics With A Dark Humor:

1. Strike Again

Funny Vegetable Comics

Can’t stop laughing. Hahaha

2. Glowing 

Funny Vegetable Comics


3. Pickle 


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 4. OMG Funny Vegetable Comics


5. Hahaha 😛 

Funny Vegetable Comics


6. Hot


7. No Nut November 😀 


8. Lol

Funny Vegetable Comics

Check Next Page 🙂


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